Okay onto the meat here
So I spin on the target machine and do what every 1337 h3xor does and ran a quick nmap scan
on my target. Now personally I use the command:
sudo nmap -sSCV [target-ip] -oN nmap
For those unfamiliar nmap is a tool used to map out networks, However it can also do more
like scan websites or ip-addresses and it'll let you get some basic information about whatever you're scanning
the options I used -sSCV are normally written seperately but I'm lazy and put it all together, what it does is a
stealth scan (-sS), script scan (-sC), version scan (-sV), and -oN is just output to a file (nmap)
these options together will give me a pretty quick visual of my target and let me know what's going on
After running my first nmap scan I find out that only port 22 and port 80 are open on the machine.
On port 22 we have a ssh service (SHOCKING!!!!)
On port 80 we have a website being hosted (ALSO SHOCKING!!!!)
For those who don't know anything about servers this is very much non-SHOCKING!!!! information
Before visiting the website I run a simple nmap --script=vuln [target-ip] -oN vuln
however this didn't yield any useful vulnerabilities in the website and will be ignored
With my initial scanning done and out of the way I head on to the website
Once the website loaded in, it was completely blank besides the words:
Hello World!
yeaaaa....... that's some pretty lame junk
So I did what any normal person would do when greeted with an 'empty' page
and I inspected the hell out of that element
a.k.a. I looked at the html code (and if you really don't know what inspect element is, just google it and come back here afterwords)
But yes after inspecting the source code I found a comment that told me:
/nibbleblog/ directory. Nothing interesting here!
if you really thought that nothing would be in that directory, man leave my website I can't turn everyone into a critical thinker
naturally I added /nibbleblog/ to the ip address of the website
and tada! Like magic we get the actual website!
this isn't too crazy though as now we're stuck at a deadend as we're forced to look at an unused blogging website
I went through the website looking around clicking things whatever but
after a few minutes of looking around I realized there wasn't much to do on this page and decided it was time to do some
Directory Busting
*explosion sounds*
Yea dir busting sounds a lot cooler than it is
But the main gist of it just searching for hidden files/web folders so I can maybe see some things I'm not supposed to
To start this I run a gobuster command
gobuster dir -w [wordlist] -u [target-ip]/nibbleblog -b 404 -x .php
okay a quick tear-down of whats happening with that command
I'm using the dir option because I'm looking to enumerate files/directories
-w is just what wordlist I want to use I usually go for stuff I find in the SecLists dictionaries
-u is the url of the website
-b is so files that return error 404 don't come up in my results (yk 404 as in page not found)
-x .php is used as a file extension to look for, specifically .php files
the reason I'm looking for php files is because I know that the website uses php (I know this because of the wappalyzer firefox plugin lol)
After my gobuster scan finishes busting I'm left with a handful of directories and files, most notably the:
admin/ directory, admin.php, and a README file
I like to look at the simple things first so I tried looking into the README file
my other reason for doing so, is because it tells me to readit
In the README file I was able to find out that the website is built using an existing framework called
Look at that, full circle, from the README I also find out the version of Nibbleblog that's running
nibbleblog 4.0.3 was running on the website and who would've guessed it, when searched up you can actually find that it has a rce vulnerability!
rce==Remote Code Execution, which basically means your webisite is mines
unfortunately the exploit requires access to an admin account
yea that sucks HOWEVER we now have a true target a simple one too, we just gotta get the admin password and username
easier said than done though
so it's time to check out the other eye-catching discoveries I made
so to keep things short, admin.php requires me to login as an admin account, and the admin directory lets me see a whole bunch of files I shouldn't see
I shot a couple of passwords and usernames at the admin login page and I was unsuccessful
this led me to go through the admin directory for information
to make a long story short I got nothing but headaches out of the admin directory
Now I only mentioned the interesting named directories I found in my gobuster search
the other directories I found were
content/, themes/, plugins/, plugins/, and languages/
I tried going into the content directory and was greeted with a few more directories, the most intriguing one was labeled
Of course I just had to check it out, what did I find????
a bunch of lame .xml files, although one of them had a list of all the users on the website
normally thats a pretty nice find, but since this is a ctf and this nibbleblog really lacked content
there was only an admin account listed on the user list
so now we have an admin username (it was just admin lol), all we need is a password and boom we can run our exploit and be all
#1337 #pwn'd and junk
So I went back to the admin.php page and tried a bunch of passwords for the admin account
now I'm lazy and don't like using brute forcing methods of password cracking since it's time consuming and can often give 0 results while cracking user 1 account
so I spent a lot of time here looking around for a password, I mean I dug through a lot of the files on the server, used default passwords, etc.
when none of that worked I just looked up the password for the box, I really prefer to not bruteforce. PLUS cheating is usually 10x faster than a bruteforcing attempt!
turns out the password was nibbles...
You know hey I tried putting in nibble, nibbleblog, nibbleblogrulez
but sometimes a password is just toooooo good for the average guesser
(good thing I'm a below average guesser amirite heyooooooooo ;( )
so now I had everything I needed, the admin account credentials our exploit some slight disappointment, the usual
I ran a nice metasploit exploit and boom look at that I had a nice reverse shell on the target webserver
however I was still a low priviledged user, born poor in the lower class of this corrupt filesystem ;(
but that was going to change after I got my local linux exploit suggester into the game
alright so first I guess I should say this is the post exploitation part
I basically can do whatever I want a website at this point, but as this is a ctf I would like to become the root user
root is like the windows admin account but for smelly linux nerds, if we can get it, this server becomes mines
In order to get root account I run my local exploit suggester to find out if the server machine is vulnerable to any known exploits
and turns out this is an unpatched server with a good amount of exploits, but I ran with a reliable exploit called dirtyCOW
I never really used it before but I'm somewhat familiar with it, who knows maybe I'll go over the exploit on this little loser-hole site
anywho I compiled the dirtyCOW exploit on my laptop and uploaded it to the webserver so I can run the exploit
also all file uploads after the post exploitation is done with the meterpreter upload function
(nc listeners are annoying sometimes okay)
and finally I was able to run my local dirtyCOW exploit
for the noobs dirtyCOW allows me to go from a low-level user on a linux machine to the root user through some weird C magic
after running dirtyCOW, I got root access and that was about it, I went and grabbed both the user and root account flags and submitted it into hackthebox
box pwn'd
only took a shortcut on the brute force/guessing route
anyways if you made it to the end and read everything, wow okay go to sleep bud
also thanks for reading you should like.... idk follow my neocities page?? it'd be cool
also if you wanna talk I'm always down you can message me on discord
I'll make this page look prettier tomorrow
Oh and remember
don't sell out your hacking abilities, save the world instead